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Brushing & Flossing

Brushing and flossing are crucial aspects to your oral health it is important to make sure it is being done correctly.


Flossing should take place daily. Flossing loosens plaque and bacteria between your teeth so your toothbrush can clean your teeth properly.

  1. Take a piece of floss, roughly the length of your arm

  2. Wrap the floss around your middle fingers, stop when there are approximately two inches between your hands

  3. Using your index fingers, slide the floss between your teeth all the way to the base of the tooth where it meets the gum. Create a ‘C’ shape to clean the tooth top to bottom

  4. Wipe the tooth until it’s clean, flossing both sides of the tooth

  5. Use a new part of the floss as you move from tooth to tooth, so each tooth is receiving a clean part of the floss

Make sure you floss between each tooth, even the molars in the back of your mouth.


Brushing should take place twice daily, in the morning when you wake up and at night before bed.

  1. Floss your teeth before you brush. This loosens plaque and bacteria between your teeth so you have a more effective and cleansing brush

  2. When you’re holding your toothbrush, point the bristles to where your teeth meet your gums. Cleaning your teeth and gum line reduces your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Make sure you brush the inside of your teeth as well

  3. Using gentle circles, brush your teeth, don’t scrub. You can damage your gums by applying too much force when brushing

  4. Replace your brush every three to four months. If your bristles are bent or worn down, replace your brush as it can damage your gums. After being sick, replace your brush so you aren’t brushing with cold and flu bacteria on your brush.

  5. Bacteria that causes bad breath lingers largely on your tongue. Scrub it gently when brushing your teeth for fresher breath

When handling a toothbrush, make sure to use light pressure. Some electric toothbrushes even warn you when too much pressure is being applied. Electric toothbrushes are great for ensuring proper techniques are being used, and you are brushing for a long enough time frame; generally two minutes.

If you notice a little blood while brushing try using less force, or while flossing floss more often. If your gums are frequently swollen, sore, and bleeding, consult with your dentist.

Brushing & Flossing: Service
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